Children Tell Us What They Think African Giving Is

As we continue to document what African Giving to Africans, we decided to enquire from some pure minds on what they thought of some of the ideas we ponder on here at APN. Below are some joyful, curious and interesting responses from children aged 11-13 on what (African) giving is: 

1. “A giving person is one who gives something to people in need. Like when someone gave me karanga and I enjoyed it and I was happy. A person who willingly gives to other people is a good person.”

-Simon Daniel Mariki. 

2. “Mtu mtoaji ni yule anayesaidia. Kwa mfano tajiri anavyo toa kwa maskini vitu kama nguo, chakula, vitu kama hivyo. Na watoaji hawategemei kurudishiwa mali zao, wanatoa kwa moyo mmoja. Umuhimu wa waafrika kuwa watoaji ni kwa mfano, wakipeana vitu kama vya nafaka, wanaweza kujenga urafiki na wasiwe na vita.”

-Magdalena Andrew

A giving person is one that is helpful. For example, when an affluent person willingly gives poor people things like food and clothes. Giving people do not expect to receive anything in return, they give with a full heart. It is important for Africans to be giving because if they trade agriculture goods for example, it fosters friendships between countries and deters war.

-Magdalena Andrew

3. “I think being a giving person means that you are able to give without expecting anything in return. This is important because when you give while expecting something back you become greedy, which is not good; it can develop some really bad traits like anger, selfishness, jealousy etc. For example, if I give you some candy today, and tomorrow I come back and say I want candy in return that would just destroy the whole emotional relationship that I have with you. And you don’t want to destroy relationship over a piece of candy. You should be able to give selflessly. And then maybe sometime in the future someone will notice it and help you too.”

-Reyna Luhunga. 

4. “Mtu mtoaji ni yule anayetoa kutoka moyoni ile sadaka yake aliyoiandaa. Pia naelewa kwamba waafrika inabidi kuwa watoaji kwa sababu mungu alituambia katika Mathayo 7:7, ombeni nanyi mtapewa, tafuteni nanyi mtaona, bisheni nanyi mtafunguliwa. Na alituambia kwamba atufungulia milango tukiwa watoaji.”

-Adam Ramadhani

A giving person is one who gives from their heart. Also, I understand that Africans need to be giving people because in Mathew 7:7 God declared Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. And he assured us that doors would be opened up for us if we are giving.

-Adam Ramadhani 

5. “Umuhimu wa kutoa upo kwa sababu utoaji ni kumsaidia mtu mwenye shida. Kwa mfano mimi mwanafunzi huwa nasaidiana na wanafunzi wenzangu kwenye maswala ya homework au shida nyingine ili kuweza kufanikiwa. Kuna umuhimu wa waafrika kutoa- sisi waafrika huwa tuna upendo sana ana huwo upendo unajitokeza kwenye kutoa kwetu. Mimi nimeshawahi kutoa, kama darasani kama mwanafunzi mwenzangu katika kuandika peni yake imegoma na mimi ninayo zaidi ya moja nitampa.” 

-Aswan Fredrick

It is important to be giving as this means to help those in need. For example, as students, my friends and I are able to help each other when it comes to homework or other struggles so we can be successful. It is important for Africans to be giving; us, Africans have so much love and this love manifests through giving. 

-Aswan Fredrick

6. “Being a giving person means that you give away not really expecting to get something back, just for the benefit to get something back. Africa needs giving people so that they can contribute to the world’s economy, and with that they are also going to get support back so they can grow too.”

-Dalama Luhunga. 

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