Membership Form

    1. Personal Details

    2. Organisation Details

    3. Please include your digital engagement details

    4. What mission underpin your philanthropy involvement?

    5. Why do you want to join APN? Are there any other benefits you are expecting as a member beyond the stated APN Member benefits?

    6. Select one option (x) that best describes your organization

    Community Foundation - a non-profit organization that accumulates donations for coordinated investment.Grantmaking Organization - a non-profit organization that receives donations for community benefit and awards grants for charitable activities.Corporate Foundation - a private foundation with a corporate giving program established by a profit-making business to undertake development projects on behalf of the business.Philanthropy Network or Association - a formal or informal group of people or organizations established to build social relations among people and organizations who work in various fields of charity and philanthropy.Private Foundation - organizations that have registered funds or endowments in the name of a family, or the donor plays a significant role in the management of the foundation.Public Foundation - a non-profit organization that receives at least one-third of its income from the general public, makes grants or engages in community, national or regional level charitable activities.Individual Philanthropist - an individual who contributes their own funds to a group or organization that works on the development causes to improve the quality of life for all citizens.Trust - a legal entity established to set aside money or property of one person for the benefit of one or more persons or organizationsAcademic or Research InstitutionOther

    7. Select your Institutional Annual revenue

    Total Annual Revenue of USD 99,000Total Annual Revenue of USD 100,000 - USD 499,999Total Annual Revenue of USD 500,000 - USD 1,999,999Total Annual Revenue of USD 2,000,000 and above

    8. Would you be open to our sharing your profile with potential partner organisations who would like to be involved in your philanthropy program or initiative?

    9. Would your organisation be willing to sharing its philanthropy journey, beneficiary or legacy success stories in APN website, eNewsletter or social media platforms?

    10. How did you hear about APN?

    11. Do you have any comments, questions, or concerns?

    12. Your organization hereby certifies that the information provided above is correct.